Business Analysis

"Analyze your Business Today and Map the Path to Tomorrow"

We focus on understanding the needs of the business as a whole, its strategic direction, and identifying initiatives that allow a business to meet those strategic goals.The analysis involves planning the requirements for development process, determining which requirements are the highest priority for implementation, and managing change.Solution assessment and validation ensure that that stakeholders have a shared understanding of the requirements and how they will be implemented.Three key elements essentail for business analysis are:

  • Redesign core business processes

  • Application of enabling technologies to support the new core processes

  • Management of Organizational Change or Buisness Process Improvement

Business Process Improvement

A Business Process Improvement (BPI) typically involves six steps:

1. Selection of Process Teams and Leader
Process teams, comprising 2-4 employees from various departments that are involved in the particular process, are set up. Each team selects a process team leader, typically the person who is responsible for running the respective process

2. Process Analysis Training
The selected process team members are trained in process analysis and documentation techniques

3. Process Analysis Interview
The members of the process teams conduct several interviews with people working along the processes. During the interview, they gather information about process structure, as well as process performance data

4. Process Documentation
The interview results is used to draw a first process map. Previously existing process descriptions are reviewed and integrated, wherever possible. Possible process improvements, discussed during the interview, are integrated into the process map

5. Review Cycle
The draft documentation is then reviewed by the employees working in the process. Benifits of business analysis

Service Spectrum
  • Joint Application Development

  • Requirements Definition

  • Target Audience

  • Develop New Business Models

  • Gap Analysis

  • Documentation